Play Testers Wanted Pt. 18

Booker-Katria Forgemaster Je'Daii Master

Kyanna-Syn'Kar-Mirialan Je'Daii Protector

Aoki- Kalla-To the Master Slayer-Twi'lek Gunslinger

HK-47: Assassin Droid

DP-69: Bodyguard Droid [Ebony Chassis]

Whisper -- Darth Talon Clone [Pilot]

Exomorph -- Apex Predator [Guard 'Dog']

Left -- Claims to be an ancient Hyperborean Wizard

Broken Chains Brothel:

On the ass end of a forgotten hyperspace lane, you will find Nova Secundus. It lay on the very edge of a supernova remnant and orbited a friendly yellow V Class main-sequence star explorers had registered as Nova 25D-4R-96 or Nova Secundus Prime. The only other celestial body in the system was a habitable planet one and a half times the diameter of Corellia. The gravity was a bit harsh for newcomers, but you hardly felt the difference after a period of adjustment. What had once been the home of a forgotten near-human species that the scientists called the Ava'nichi now was home to the best little whorehouse this side of Nar Shaddaa. The owner and madame that ruled the world with an iron fist was a former slave named Juuana Qel-Droma. She was a descendent of the famed Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma. His connection to the infamous Sith Lord Exar Kun left me wondering where her loyalty might lay. Was she light or dark or worse still, not even Force-sensitive at all?

Whisper followed the hyperspace beacon and came in on a path that gave us a good long look at the planet and its topography and plant life. We made a long pass over the main complex and the golden forest surrounding it.

"Challan Trees," Whisper called out from the pilot's seat. "They were once quite prolific upon the world of Dathomir. The Nightsisters used the leaves and sap for their Sith magic. A plague struck the planet and killed off the Challan trees and other rare plant life. There are legends that a rival group of Darksiders engineered the plague to kill off all life on Dathomir. The virus failed and only affected a handful of plant species. I am surprised to see them here."

"I've never heard of them," Aoki said as I ordered a delay and pointed to a surprisingly round lake north of the brothel. "That can't be a natural formation."

"My thoughts exactly," I agreed with her. "Look," I said as we passed over the lake. "It is made of a series of concentric circles. Interesting. Okay, we've delayed long enough. It is time to make a fashionably late entrance."

The former complex now brothel was hexagonal in design. Six domed landing bays surrounded the six-sided central dome. Four of the six docking bays possessed an oxygen-based atmosphere. The other two had more exotic gasses to welcome alien clientele to the Broken Chains. I found the architecture of the long-dead race both beautiful and mysterious. While many species used rectangular bricks to fashion homes and temples, this race used alternating angled polygons for the exteriors of their structures. The bricks interlocked at a forty-five-degree angle, forming a near-perfect fit. Each block staggered from the long end, being on the bottom to the top. There was no sign of mortar sealing the bricks into place. It was worth making a mental note of and examining it at a later date.

I left Whisper and the droids to guard the ship for now. I dressed in civilian garb and urged the others to follow suit. Just in case we ran into trouble, I strapped two hold-out needlers to my forearms and offered a pair to Aoki. At first glance and even under intense scrutiny, the weapons appeared to be nothing more than decorative armbands. Kyanna, as a full-fledged former Jedi Master, could take care of herself. The ramp dropped, and that is when it happened. The Exomorph whimpered and whined as we prepared to leave.

"Fine, come along," I said and patted my leg. The apex predator gleefully joined us. Who knew if shit went sideways for some reason, we might need her.

"Ghostfire," the Force tree spoke. It had been silently aboard the Wraith for months of in-game time and never uttered a single word. "Be attentive."

"For what?" I asked, and the damn thing returned to its tranquil nature once more. "I thought Yoda was annoying."

We left the ship, and I felt it. It was so faint I nearly dismissed it, but I stopped and reached out for it after the word of warning. My students had sensed it too.

"So much for relaxing," Aoki laughed. "Hey, no sign of Jha's ship. Did we beat them here?"

"Must have, or maybe something came up," Kyanna offered with a grin. "I am sure they will show up." I noticed that both of my students were walking with an edgy posture. They were expecting trouble too. "The first round is on me," Kyanna declared as we walked down the tunnel connecting the docking bay with the central portion of the brothel. Ultimately, the three of us reached the titanic doors that posed the decisive barrier before entering the Broken Chains. The portal opened with a rumble of ancient machinery, and the blend of music and voices greeted us. The interior could have been confused with any gothic church with its great arched dome decorated with alien mosaics and stained glass panels depicting the race that once inhabited this world.

"It is in reverse," I said as Juuana greeted us warmly.

"Welcome to the Broken Chains. Yes, the former owners of this planet had keen eyesight and raised the most important art at the peak of the dome. Moreover, DNA analysis hints at an avian ancestor." Juuana stood nearly two meters in height, had a mane of raven black hair, and the most piercing blue eyes I had seen in a long while. She wore a cloth of gold kimono and clasped around her waist a belt of rare electrum dotted with gemstones. Juuana smiled and gestured for us to follow her.

"If the race is extinct, how did you manage to acquire a DNA sample?" Kyanna asked before I could.

"We invited Jedi Historians to investigate a site not far from here," Juuana replied. "They found mummified remains and collected bone marrow. Then, cracked them open like a nut." Kyanna was disturbed that Jedi would swoop in and violate the remains of an extinct race. The high-handed attitude angered her. You could see the clenched jaw and fists.

"I see," Kyanna growled. "Were there any other revelations learned from the natives?"

"Funny you should ask," the Corellian replied. "There were clear signs of genetic tinkering. I do not have the details, but uh, something so disturbed the Jedi they sealed the tomb and placed security droids to keep thieves out." Kyanna did not attempt to hide her shock at the actions of the Jedi Historians. It was one of the reasons she left the Order. The disdain the Jedi showed when it came to non-Force users. It reminded her of the Europeans that came to North America and practically wiped out the indigenous tribes. She closed her eyes and found her balance.

"Let it the fuck go," Kyanna whispered.

A petite olive-skinned human female joined us, and Juuana introduced her as Sada Kun, a descendant of the famed Sith Lord Exar Kun. Sada, while in great physical shape, came off as a bit bookish and socially awkward. We learned later that she was Juuana's secretary and accountant. Sada was the bulwark between the brothel and the Hutts. The slug-like creatures were trying to pressure Juuana into selling the Broken Chains for a substantial financial loss. Sada managed to broker a protection deal with the Trade Federation for a modest annual fee. The Hutts, not wanting trouble, backed down--something almost unheard of at this time in the galaxy.

I accepted a drink from a server and frowned when my glove/scanner chimed in. Aoki and Kyanna dropped their hands when they heard the familiar tone. Juuana took my drink and sipped it.

"The alcohol is derived from the leaves of a local tree. You might have seen them on your approach. The Challan Trees are rare and only the best for my guests," she explained. "I suggest you sip it."

I took the tall fluted glass back and took a tentative sip. I let the liquid settle on my tongue to take in the subtleties of flavor the beverage offered.

"Ooh, that is good," I gasped in surprise. The wine teased my tastebuds. A single sip hinted at the potency of the alcohol.

"Damn, that has a kick," Aoki commented after she took a mouthful of the golden liquor.

"Let's top you off, and I will give you a tour of the dome," Juuana offered.

We accepted, hoping that Ruatha and the gang might show up by the time we returned to the main gallery. A server was at hand and poured from a dark glass bottle and refilled our glasses before we followed Juuana as she introduced us to celebrities and commoners alike. Kyanna touched my arm, and I followed the Mirialan's gaze to Juuana's wrist. Clearly on display was a tattoo of an ebony star. Juuana had once been a slave and owned by the notorious Black Sun crime syndicate. Being the direct descendent of the famed Jedi must have brought a steep price to her owners. I could only imagine the state of Juuana's former masters when she finished with them.

My HUD chimed and announced that a crossover event was about to begin. However, unlike any other notable occurrence, there was no title attached to it. That was damn strange, I thought. The sudden bustle of the movement took me off guard, and it began. Juuana attempted her best to isolate me from Kyanna and Aoki. A gaggle of loyal sycophants slipped between my students and me. Juuana lightly grabbed my wrist and tried to lead me away from the others. I grounded myself and effectively anchored my feet to the ground. I became an immovable object, and this displeased Juuana. She let go and faced me. The corners of her mouth turned down as her eyes narrowed. Juuana found herself in a rare position. Someone stood up to her. I smiled when I realized the Exomorph had used its natural camouflage and vanished.

"Why are you smiling?" Juuana asked.

"My guard dog has disappeared," I replied with a soft chuckle. Juuana touched her earpiece, and the color drained from her face. I suspected her head of security just confirmed the worst-case scenario. The lean 227-kilogram beast was nowhere on their scanners. I turned my back on Juuana, showing my disdain, and addressed her lackeys. "This won't do," I said, making my displeasure known. "Move," I growled at the people between my students and me. "Or else." The invisible predator and my demeanor made them falter. Sada Kun took this moment to make herself scarce.

"Surely, they can find," Juuana began and faltered when I spun to face her. "I see." She gestured, and all five of us continued together. Besides Juanna, Aoki, Kyanna, and myself, a solitary albino Twi'lek was never far off. She carried a bottle of the local wine and kept her eyes downcast so as not to offend. "She is new to my stable," Juuana explained. "The weight of her chains is still upon her. Don't fret. I have every confidence she will recover and find a happy life here with us." I knew that pale Twi'leks were uncommon. However, they were not nearly as rare as the scarlet-skinned Lethans like Whisper or Talon.

The Corellian madam began to relay snippets of the planet's history and the race that once called this world home. They were tall and thin, nearly high enough to look a Wookie in the eye. They evolved from avian stock and were predatory by nature. Their facial features still held their raptor heritage with large bright eyes, a hooked beak-like nose, and vision unmatched by any current sentients alive today. Their technology was an odd blend of advanced and traditional ideals. When something caught their attention and excited them, they focused upon it exclusively. The entire race would work on nothing else.

"Take this dome for example," Juuana said. She raised her arms and made a sweeping gesture. "There is nothing in the Republic like it."

Though we had only taken a hundred steps, the area around us was empty of guests or any other being besides ourselves. Even the sound of music or voices had vanished. The open dome should have been visible from where we stood, but it wasn't. I held out my hand, and my palm smacked into a plain white wall. It was smooth, and a mild vibration ran through the barrier.

"The Ava'nichi were masters of dimensional engineering," Juuana said. "It was their highest form of art and architecture. Well, one of their many paths to enlightenment and extinction. That is what the Jedi told me."

"Speaking of the Jedi, where are they?" Kyanna asked, her voice cold and lethal.

"Gone," Juuana said, and while she was not lying, I sensed she might be leaving out critical information. "When I discovered the tomb annex, I sent word to Coruscant. The high council sent a ship with Jedi Sentinals."

"How did you know they were Sentinals?" Aoki asked. Her features were serene as she reached out with the Force, and the area around us reacted. "The Ava'nichi were Force users."

"That is why the Sentinals were sent," Juuana remarked. A sly grin creased her lips as we moved to the next room. One moment we were in the nondescript white area, and the next, we were outside or at least in a large enough space to feel like outdoors. A footpath led through a grove of trees possessing sapphire-hued geometric leaves. Juuana continued to lead but slowed her pace so we could enjoy our new surroundings.

"Look," Aoki exclaimed. She pointed to one of the nearest trees. A soft creaking began as the edge of the leaves curled upwards, and the limbs rose skyward. We all looked up. The sun began to grow in size, or so it seemed. A second star was rounding its orbit and coming into view, a binary star system, and the plants reacted to the arrival of the secondary sun. Juuana guided us along the path and pointed out the notable plant and animal life. This world was rich with it in all its myriad forms. The trail continued, but up ahead, the way had grown thick from bushes bearing silver fruit. We pushed our way through, and our surroundings changed once more. Before us was a balcony crafted from rust-colored bricks, and it looked out over a saffron courtyard. The plaza floor bore the design of what appeared to be a giant blue finger or thumbprint.

"What is that in the middle?" Kyanna asked. "Something is hovering there."

"Treasure?" Aoki asked. That one word kindled the thrill of the challenge in all of us.

"There appears to be an entrance to the design over there," I said, pointing to the northeastern corner. "Let's go."

"How do we get down? The balcony is enclosed." Aoki asked.

"Through the slots," Kyanna suggested. Six tall thin openings were just wide enough to climb through. Juuana grinned until Aoki hopped up lightly and pushed through the opening nearest her.

"There is a weak forcefield," Aoki grunted as she wiggled through. Juuana's mouth fell open as the three of us passed through to the courtyard. Kyanna also had some difficulty getting through the barrier. I had no such challenge. When I vaulted through the gap, nothing inhibited my forward momentum. I landed smoothly and using the energy to roll up into a standing position. All three of us raced to the opening and examined the design and the shimmering fields rising from the path. It reminded me of a blacktop highway at the height of summer with its hazy distortions.

"Let's walk around it first, get a better look," I suggested. "There is no use rushing in just yet." Someone bumped me from behind, and I spun to see the Exomorph standing there excited for a new adventure. "Alright, you can follow us for now." The beast stalked next to me like a hunting hound itching for a fight. Did she sense something I didn't?

We slowly walked the perimeter of the thumbprint-like design. Parts of the path were straight, others possessed gentle curves, and others were extreme curves forming the whorls, arches, and loops. Unfortunately, the multiple distortion fields made viewing the object floating in the center impossible to discern. Nevertheless, Aoki and Kyanna were eager to attack the challenge.

"I wonder how this ties into the crossover event?" I asked, and my students looked puzzled. But then they checked their HUDs and were surprised by the message that failed to alert them to its existence. "Mine doesn't have a title or description."

"Yeah, hold on a sec," Kyanna brought up a virtual keyboard and performed several tasks. Then, her expression darkened until she surrendered. "I can't ping the devs or get a response from the help screen. I am thinking a glitch."

"Maybe an update went wonky," Aoki giggled. "What's the plan?"

"This thing screams death trap. Did you see Juuana's expression when you went through the gap?" I said.

"I was too busy pushing through the barrier," Aoki replied.

"I caught part of it," Kyanna said. "She looked genuinely shocked, so did the albino. So, yeah, she likes you unless I am wrong. Her red eyes have been boring into your back like crazy."

"Nah, it couldn't be," I muttered as I remembered the last time I encountered a Twi'lek with smooth milky skin. "She must be dead by now."

"She, who are you talking about?" Aoki asked. I hesitated. I didn't want to spoil possible adventures, but the odds were damn slim of them running into her. "Was she a lover?"

"Oh yeah, she was also a shapeshifter," I explained. "Well, not at first, but before we parted, she was. I am dancing around the answer. Listen, I hope this does not spoil any future storylines you encounter."

"Damn it, Ghost," Kyanna snapped, saying Ghost instead of Katria. "Quit pussyfooting around. Who the fuck was she?"

"She was Xim, Xim the Despot," I blurted out in response to her frustration.

"Whoa, you fucked Xim the Despot?" Kyanna exclaimed.

"Who is this Xim person?" Aoki asked. "I never heard of her."

"She was the most infamous warlord ever to live, that's who. She was a genius. Her personality was magnetic. And she could, well, she was an amazing lover."

"Don't forget about her ship," Kyanna added excitedly. "The warship was larger than anything ever encountered and crewed by... aw fuck," she faltered as she made the connection. "Wait, the Pride of Korriban wasn't her flagship."

"No, but remember when we left the Rakatan system, there was another capitol-sized craft," I reminded her. "Cast your mind back to the holotapes that showed the war droids that bore her mark, the blue skull."

"But the time difference," Kyanna said. Her eyes squinted shut as logic and memory warred inside of her. "How long has this been going on?"

"For me, since I began things," I replied. Aoki just looked back and forth between Kyanna and me.

"The anomaly," Aoki offered. "It shifted us and ships to their destined places in time and space. Have you resolved your temporal ransom?"

I staggered back as her words hit home. "Temporal ransom, of course, you are a genius."

"Have you?" Kyanna asked.

"Yes, Ghost, my love, have you paid your price?" Xim asked as they approached. "I have missed you so much. I should never have abandoned you on Tython."

"You look good," I said as we clung to each other. Then, finally, I kissed Xim, and she surrendered to the moment. "You still take my breath away."

"Good, your friends need no introduction. I am thrilled to see such strong females at your back. I am here for you." Xim said, placing her head on my shoulder.

"What is going on?" I asked. Xim pointed at the design. She said it opened a way to the Ava'nichi tombs since only Force-sensitives could walk the path and reach the temple beyond. Then Xim went onto explain how she had rescued Juuana from the Black Sun. Xim and her followers wrecked the prison ship and freed those on board. As a result, Juuana was the first to walk the thumbprint, and though she was untrained, her passage through the gates awoke her innate Force gifts. "The Jedi Sentinals had particular abilities enhanced by their mastering the pathway. "If you want to see the tombs, that is the only way. Please do not stop, whatever you do, you cannot pause at any point, or it will destroy you utterly. See you on the other side."r"


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