New Job, New Challenges Pt. 02

This is a continuation of Will's adventures in his new job. In Pt. 01 we met Emily and his team. Following his encounter with Emily at the end of a hard day Will accompanies the girls to the pub in Pt. 02. You don't need to have read the first episode to enjoy this one, but it might help.


The pub was on the town's riverside and was full of people enjoying the evening sunshine, sipping drinks on the terrace. There was a hubbub of chatter and laughter as Emily guided Will through the tables to where Jo and Michelle were sitting.

Will had been quiet on the walk over from the office through the verdant parkland. His mind was still confused about her actions and motives, he felt like he was in a film in which he had no control over his destiny and these women were playing with him.

He couldn't work out how they reconciled working together with teasing him all the time, or how his own actions had become compromised. He wanted to act in the way a senior manager of a prestigious company was supposed to but the women's actions and if he was being honest his own libido were making a fool of him.

I should have resisted Emily and I should have given Sarah a dressing down, he thought There won't be a next time he decided...or then again if there is it'll be on my terms.

All of this went through his befuddled mind as Emily talked to him during their walk, so he wasn't really paying attention, but when she said,

"I'll only stay for a quick one and let you enjoy the girls company. I need to get back to see Tom."

He was taken aback.

"Sorry what, I mean who?" had she just mentioned a man's name?

"Tom of course sweetie, he's my husband! I thought you knew, he'll be dying to hear about my day."

She'd timed this revelation to play with his confused mind just as they found the girl's table, leaving him unable to question her about what they'd just done and whether her husband knew what she got up to. It was a little bombshell designed to mess with his head just a little bit more.

What he didn't know was that Tom loved to hear about his wife's sexual adventures. Emily adored regaling him with stories of tongues lapping at her pussy or cock's filling her mouth, he loved the detail and as she described exactly what she'd been up to they'd both become incredibly turned on and have furious sex.

Reaching the bench seat Emily leant and kissed both girls on the cheek, and though it seemed a simple greeting Will sensed there was more to it. The girls in turn stood up and gave Will a joint hug, their breasts softly pressing into his torso.

"I'll go and get drinks ladies" trilled Jo "Will, what will you have?" she looked him in the eye with a beaming smile blonde hair lit up by the evening sun framing her pretty face, the choker around her neck giving her a look of old fashioned sensuality.

Will swallowed, bewitched by her looks for a moment.

"I'll get them" it came out as a croak and he cleared his throat "after all I'm supposed to be the boss and this is our first social!"

"Don't worry boss, I'm on my feet and need a tinkle anyway. I think you need a G&T" and before he could reply she moved off, deliberately giving her hips a little wiggle, which had the desired effect as Will's eyes lingered on her pert bum.

"She's a pretty girl, isn't she?" he heard Emily say and turned to see both the remaining women looking at him, expecting an answer.

He smiled and sat, thinking it better to say nothing.

"Come on boss" it was Michelle who had been quiet until now "you have to admit she's a good looking woman?" she looked him full in the face, "and that figure, wow, she's as cute as!!" she exclaimed.

"I well, I mean it isn't really for me..." He was stalling. Jo was cute undeniably but to say it could leave him open to all kinds of charges, he felt he was potentially already in deep enough trouble. He cleared his throat,

"What I mean is Jo is definitely an admirable young lady." That should be evasive enough without being seen as sexual harassment, he thought, but all he heard was laughter.

Emily and Michelle had both started chuckling. Emily finally stopped to speak.

"Oh come on Will, don't be a prude we're off duty now, no one is going to snitch on you and you have to admit Jo is pretty fucking gorgeous."

Michelle nudged him with an elbow,

"Come on boss, tell us what you think. If it helps, I can tell you I think she's just amazing, I mean that ass it's just the cutest little thing!"

Will looked at the taller girl a smile playing across her mouth, deep brown eyes shining. There was something there that he didn't know but was beginning to suspect and thought he could get off the subject.

"I don't know Michelle, it's poor practice for me to say really, but tell me what you make of Sarah and Emily here?"

Michelle's eyes widened, wondering how to react but she couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice,

"Well, I'm too polite to comment on Emily, but obviously she's bloody gorgeous."

Emily beamed a smile at her and held out her hand across the table brushing the younger girls' fingers, "and Sarah, God I love Sarah, don't you?" Michelle was animated now "It must be awesome to have those curves, and come on boss tell me she hasn't got a great rack?"

Before he could answer they all heard Jo pipe up with a tray full of drinks in her hand.

"Who has a great rack? What have I missed? I love these discussions!"

She put the tray on the table and sat, squeezing herself on to the bench next to Will. He was now sandwiched between the two younger women, despite there being ample room next to Emily across the table.

"Not me" she laughed distributing the drinks "I've barely got a handful to play with" with that she put her drink down and gripped her own tits. "what do you think boss?'

He'd just sipped his gin and tonic and practically spat it out as she directly asked him about the size of her tits.

"Leave him alone girls" he heard Emily's voice and pulled his gaze away from Jo's chest, "I'm sure he does have an opinion, don't you Will?" she held his gaze. "But he's not used to your teasing, so just be kind to him." She looked at the girls, smiling.

"The poor lamb, doesn't look like he knows if he's coming or going!"

Jo and Michelle both turned towards him and in unison chimed,

"We're sorry boss" though neither looked bashful, even less so as they each kissed him on a cheek.

"Girls, you be good to him" with that Emily impressively downed her drink in one hit, stood and walked round the table.

"I'll see you all on Monday." She bent and slowly planted a kiss on each of their upturned cheeks before swivelling on a heel and striding away.

They all watched her walk, the picture of elegant, confident womanhood. Will couldn't believe he'd had his tongue in her delightful pussy only an hour or so earlier, or that she had a husband who was going to hear about it, but at least she seemed to be some protection from the high spirited flirting of Jo and Michelle.

"I'll get us another drink" Michelle stood holding a hand out to stop Will's protest, and then as she swung her leg over the bench, flashing him with a glimpse of pale blue panties as her dress lifted up her long smooth thighs.

"Now boss" he heard Jo say "you seem out of sorts, why don't you tell us all about you." He turned to her and she reached for his hands, holding them both in hers in a friendly gesture. "What on earth did you do to deserve us?"

She was conciliatory seeming earnest, and as the evening went on and the drinks flowed he started to relax, loosening up and enjoying their company. He knew he was their manager, but it felt good to be in the company of smart, funny, lively young women.

Dusk fell and all three of them were a little drunk, they'd lost count of the drinks they'd had while the burger and chips they'd consumed had little effect on their sobriety. Without a doubt inhibitions had been lost by all of them and Will found himself with a hand on Michelle's taught thigh while Jo snuggled up against him on the other side.

Jo was whispering softly in his ear.

"Will, can I call you Will? You know we all think you're very cute?" It was a statement not a question.

"And.." her voice dropped a little lower as she leaned into his face, her lips just touching his earlobe "...and we're all a little jealous..." her hand moved across his waist and down to his groin, hidden by the table. "...we're all a little jealous of Sarah, we know she got to touch this."

As she hissed the final word in his ear, she simultaneously bit his earlobe softly and squeezed his semi hard cock, making him jump and clench Michelle's smooth thigh, which in turn made her start and spread her legs a little further apart.

Will's heart was beating fast, he could feel the blood rushing to his penis as Jo found his zipper and discreetly slipped her hand inside to grip him. He could also feel the heat coming from Michelle's pussy, just millimetres away from his fingers.

As Jo stroked him to full hardness and continued to nibble his hear, he felt Michelle's lips on his other earlobe.

"Touch me Will" was all she said as she spread her legs a little wider still.

He was drunk and horny nothing could stop him sliding his hand into the melting join between her legs, meeting a thin covering of warm wet fabric concealing her swollen mound.

"That's it Will" Michelle hissed in his ear "feel how wet I am."

As he slipped his fingers along the length of her soaking slit, she sighed in his ear, urging him to delve deeper. All the time Jo was stroking his length. He could feel the spunk boiling in his balls, the exquisite hot feeling pulsing through his cock as she slowly brought him to a peak.

The more she rubbed, the more he probed Michelle's pussy. He found a way to insert his fingers inside her knicker leg and quickly slipped a long digit inside her boiling snatch, making her sigh into his ear again. With his thumb he found her hard clit, rotating it in delicious circles as his finger probed in and out.

She was whispering and panting urgently in his ear.

"Make me cum Will, make me cum."

At the same time Jo was whispering in his other ear.

"Go on Will make her cum, get her off, feel her pretty little cunt." She was rubbing harder now and he was having trouble holding back. "I'm so fucking turned on" she whispered urgently. "I'm so fucking wet. My nipples want your mouth Will, You should feel my pussy too Will, I'm fucking dripping."

Her words were turning him on even more, he could feel the cum leaking from his cock head, coating Jo's hand, but Michelle was starting to tense, her breathing getting more ragged. Knowing exactly what would finish her, Will used some of the lubrication dripping from her pussy to slide his little finger down to her asshole and quickly inside.

Will was on the verge of shooting his load, trying hard to resist, but he was concentrating on playing a tune with Michelle's clit, cunt and anus, working his finger in and out and round and round, deferring his own pleasure.

Suddenly there was a sharp yelp and intake of breath and she was biting his shoulder, her thighs snapping shut on his fingers as she shuddered repeatedly, groaning in orgasm next to him.

At the noise Jo looked up from where she'd been kissing his neck, then whispered to Will, her hand now still.

"Will have a look around, I think we're in trouble"

He opened his eyes which had been squeezed shut in concentration. Everyone on the terrace was staring!"


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